Perspective is a very important factor in the industry of visual effects photography. This help the photographer search for a particular angle to trick the eye much further, either by using the vanishing point & horizon line or experimenting with foreshortening or creating a series of montages that could work to the photographers advantage.located in Bristol, i thought it would be the best way to demonstrate the use of perspective in the best possible way. i decided to use a flat tower block as my subject matter, capturing it at radical and extreme angles.
As shown below perspective can be used for a range of different concepts, but all follow along the guidlines and have close significance to achieving the most effective way make the viewer seem that the world is in a abstract place.
Doing this task in class helped me understand the fundamentals of first point perspective and the importance of creating a sense of realism. The most difficulty i had doing this task was the positioning of the shadow and where it had to be positioned. Especially with this image because there is no visible sun in the sky, so i had estimate where the shadow had to be.ON LOCATION
This image is a combination of long exposures and perspective.
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